Work with elm-ui Input Components

Flavio Corpa
InstructorFlavio Corpa

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Now that we have our cards more or less looking good lets add a button and style it as well so that it serves as a starting point for our dropdown component, this lesson will also help us to learn how to use the Element.Input module from elm-ui.

marc martino
marc martino
~ 4 years ago

the given snippet for the button has an extra set of brackets- it should be

btn =
        [ alignTop
        , alignRight
        , focused
            [ Background.color (rgb255 25 45 91)
            , Font.color white
        { label = el [] (text "COMPARE")
        , onPress = Nothing
Lucas Minter
Lucas Minter
~ 4 years ago

You are correct! I fixed this issue in the transcripts.